The weekend started off how most of my weekends do, with a run!
I haven't run much around the area I recently moved to, but I've discovered some routes that are interesting and have sidewalk the entire way! This run got to about 5.28 miles.
Reviewing that past couple of days...
Thursday my sister, a couple friends, and I visited our high school history teacher, Gayley, to celebrate her birthday!
Pinterest inspired birthday card I made Gayley |
It was great to spend some time hanging out with Gayley on her beautiful screened-in-porch. We talked into the night over a layered fruit and pound cake I made (I will be sure to post about!).
As a small gift we gave her Bath and Body Works Country Apple body lotion and a bag of
peanut butter granola I made. This recipe is from
Julie @ and it is AWESOME and so easy. Granola is super expensive at the store so I am glad to have this recipe on hand. The only addition I made was to add about a 1/2 cup of raisins for 3 cups of oats.
A surprise day off for me from work! I started the day off with a run, followed by some baking! My dad loved the pb granola I made for Gayley, so I made another batch of the addictive oats.
I simultaneously baked some
Bangin' Banana Bread. This time, however, I made the bread into muffins. The nice thing about making Banana Bread into muffins is that they cook
way faster, try 35 minutes (the original loaf takes 60 minutes)! Amanda loved the muffins and we both agreed they make a good on-the-go breakfast and snack.
The only change I will make next time when making Banana Bread muffins is to add 1.5 tsp of baking powder to help the muffins rise a bit more. I did the nutrition breakdown for the muffins on
Amanda and I headed to our nearest Starbucks to get some work done. Amanda studied for the LSAT while I sent emails, worked on my Fall schedule, and transfer credits.
Sometimes the Pike roast is too strong for me, but lately since I've been asking for soymilk I think it tastes really great! I think it might be that the soymilk is vanilla flavored! YUM.
It ended up being a sister-filled day as Amanda FINALLY agreed to go to a
Bodypump class with me. I can't tell you how excited I was : ). We started off with 20 minutes on the elliptical to warm up and then were ready for some pumpin'.
Pre Pump! |
I had never been to this specific instructor, but she was great! She even walked around the room adjusting form, which I really appreciated! But, boy, this gal does not take breaks! My arms were jello after class and so were Amanda's!
My goal for the rest of the weekend is to relax since soon it will be back to the hustle-and-bustle of fall semester. I can't believe I am already a college Junior!
Here's some light weekend reading:
Making the Case for Eating Fruit
Abs Workout: The Fastest Way to Lose Belly Fat
Have a great weekend!